Month: April 2014

Reflecting on the Semester

Over this past Christmas break, I was thrilled to learn I received the Public Relations internship I had applied and interviewed for with The Henry Ford in Dearborn, MI. I informed all my family and friends about it and couldn’t wait to start shopping for some professional, stylish clothes to add to my “work” wardrobe. After taking a step back a few days later, I had a panic attack of sorts. I realized, through my schooling, I didn’t feel ready for this internship and was nervous that, even though I already secured the position, I did not have enough experience or  knowledge to perform the job satisfactorily. In previous classes, I learned definitions and theories. I had improved upon my writing skills since entering college, but, other than that, I felt like I didn’t really learn skills applicable to this real-world job and that left me with a feeling of extreme discomfort.

During this time, I also was in the process of changing my major from Advertising and Public Relations to Marketing. While this internship will still be relevant experience to what I want to do, I was no longer required through the university to take this Intro to PR course. I was very close to dropping the class to take a class through the business school that would work towards my major. Right when I was about to hit the button that would drop the class from my schedule, I had  second thoughts and thought this class could be helpful to me in learning some skills for my internship I was so worried about. I then thought back to my Intro to Advertising class, however, where I felt I learned no relevant skills and dreaded going to class because the professor would just drone on and on about topics that would not even help me professionally.  I was worried this Intro to PR class would be similar. I decided to follow through with taking it, though, and though “oh well.” If it was like the other one, I may not feel more prepared for the summer, but it’d be an easy “A” and another elective credit.

Turns out, I learned a lot more than I anticipated, and left feeling ready to take on my summer internship (the class definitely was not an easy “A”, however).

This class gave me the relevant experience and knowledge I needed to succeed in the field of Public Relations. It gave me resources and references to keep in mind for the future, and very importantly, a professor who would be a great contact for me if I have questions about my internship, the field, or for just general tips. I honestly have never felt like I have gotten this much out of a class before and wouldn’t trade my experience. I do wish I had spoken up a little more in class. Early mornings are rough for me (I need to get over that), and I was sick and not feeling one-hundred percent much of the semester. This class also made me wish every class in college was like this. It was a lot of work but when you’re doing work you realized you are going to be doing in your actual career, it doesn’t feel so dreadful.

There are so many things I am taking from this class: new skills, facts, resources, and even a beautiful project to add to my professional portfolio. Looking back, I am glad I did not drop my Intro to PR class and am anxiously excited to begin my journey into my career with my internship this summer. Thanks for a great semester!


Average Student

Public Relations Definition: Then and Now

Just as the definition of public relations and the roles PR people play in this day in age are ever-changing, so has my personal definition changed from the beginning of my semester to the end. When first starting my public relations class and trying to define public relations, I was searching for a specific sentence that would be able to wrap-up what PR is. I discussed how hard it is to explain to relatives what public relations is and it is not easy to quantify. I had hoped to gain a specific definition during my journey through this course that I could use when asked to explain public relations. Instead, I realized this is impossible and that this is one of the coolest things about this field.

Through research, I found firms and sites are constantly searching for a way to define this thing that is PR. A blog from marketer, Heidi Cohen, gathered 31 definitions of public relations from experienced PR practicioners. When reading through these definitions from experienced professionals in the field, I found them all to be varied and different. While they all were unique, there were commonalities among the majority. Many of them contained some sort of emphasis on the use digital media and on forming personal relationships. 

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) attempted to define the field in 2012. They led an international effort to modernize the definition of public relations and. after initiating a crowdsourcing campaign and vote, came up with the following definition:

“Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

This definition succeeds in being simple and succinct, however, I do not feel it properly encompasses what PR is. Through my journey through the semester as a PR student and through doing research of my own, I have found quantifiying and fully encompassing the field of Public Relations is near impossible. That is one of the things I, and many professionals love about the field. Sure, you may not always be recognized for all that you do “behind the scenes,” but the results themselves and the excitement of an ever-changing environment are the rewarding parts. PR is so multifaceted and dynamic that this semester did not narrow the field down for me, it broadened my definition and opened my eyes to components I had not previously considered. There is a social media component, a personal component, an appearance component, a crisis management component, among many others. I learned there is nothing I would rather be a part of. After all, what other field can be professionally defined in at least 31 ways?!



Average Student



Cohen, H. (2011, Mar 8). 31 public relations definitions. Retrieved from:

What is public relations. (N.d.) Retrieved from